
 2014-07-08 敬告:目前,有多位作者联系我机构,并出具样书,署名由我社出版,经查我机构并没有出过以上几位人士的书籍。据了解,目前社会上有多个机构冒用我社名义在开展出书业务,谨在此提醒:我机构法人、总编辑没有“汪某”此人,名称中,也没有“中国国际文化出版社(香港)”、“中国国际艺术出版社”等字样。如果您这方面遇到问题,请及时和我机构工作人员联系。

  2014-06-01 敬告读者:由于近期本网站系统升级,书目太多,人力有限,出版社决定暂将超过一年以上的书目在相关栏目暂时下线。如果您需要在此范围内的书目,请联系我们工作人员。

 2013-11-08 征稿:《中国实力派书画家》丛书征稿启事!

 2012-08-16 严正申明:凡属我社正式合格出版物,我社在核准、备案的基础上,均在“版权查询”栏目予以公开展示,欢迎广大读者监督、查询!

 2010-07-15 成立十周年-回报作者大赠书活动!

  中国国际文化出版社有限公司是一家面向全球华人地区,致力于全球华人文化事业的研究、推广与传播的综合性图书出版发行机构 , 总部设在香港 . 本社现已出版多种类别图书及成功出版多部大型人物名典 , 部分优秀书刊被中国国家图书馆、香港政府图书馆、泰国图书馆、大英图书馆、美国国会图书馆等世界著名资讯机构收藏、展示。

  本社图书出版选题涉及文化教育、文学美术、社会科学、经济管理及学术论著等诸多领域,发行范围包括台、港、澳及其海外华人地区。随着中国加入 WTO ,本社已呈现出越来越旺盛的发展势头 , 相信在广大读者的热心支持下 , 今后将进一步迅速发展,铸造辉煌!


Brief Introduction:

  China International Culture Press Limited is a comprehensive books publishing and issuing organization , which faces global Chinese area, devotes to the research 、 popularization and spread of the global Chinese cultural undertakings, its headquarter is set up in Hong Kong. This organization has published many kinds of books, and succeeds in publishing lots of large-scale personage's famous masterpieces, some of the outstanding books and periodicals have been collected and shown by many world-famous information organization such as: China National Library, The Hong Kong Government Library, Thai Library, The British Library, Library of US Congress and so on.

  This organization's books publishing selected titles are related to a great deal of fields such like: culture and education, fine arts of literature, social science, economic management, academic treatise etc. Its issuing range includes Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and overseas Chinese area. As China joins WTO, this organization has appeared more and more vigorous growth momentum, and under the enthusiastic support of the masses of readers, it will develop rapidly further in the future, casting brilliant future!

  The board of directors and all staff members of this organization welcome cordially the exchange and cooperation with the masses of colleagues at home and abroad!

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